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Writings & Reflections

Rambling Autobiography (Instagram)


TikTok Analysis

What is your favorite Tik Tok? Break it down and explain what happens in it? Why is it so popular and what makes it a good Tik Tok?

My favorite Tik Tok is a video of someone dipping a little straw thing into a starbucks coffee and the frame moves to a monkey licking the coffee off of the straw. This is repeated a couple times. I think that it’s so popular because it is so random and no one knows what’s going to happen based on the music and no one has ever seen anything like this. I also think that the reason it is so popular is that everybody likes cute things. This monkey just so happens to be one of the cutest things I’ve seen on Tik Tok. You see all these videos of dogs, puppies, kittens, and cats and they just make your heart melt, but at some point you get used to them. So to have a good video take its place is for the time being is nice. I’ve also been seeing lots of videos of ferrets. I never thought of ferrets to be a cute animal but after I’ve seen these videos I change my mind. On Tik Tok you can do nothing and get famous, so maybe it’s just the popularity persuading me to like these things, and persuading other people.

Sandy Hook


December 14th, 2012, A mass shooting happened at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. A 20 year old man walked in, and didn’t turn back. His soul was truly lost that day. In total 26 people were shot and killed. Out of those 26, 20 of them were children ages 6-7 years old. To think, someone can just walk into and elementary school and do this is just gruesome. The inability to react by the teachers is awful. We have all of these people protesting guns like they’re a terrible thing when really it’s the people who are holding them. Although I do think making the paths to obtaining firearms to be more difficult would be for the benefit, I don't think taking them away completely would help at all. How would we protect ourselves if there was a burglar in our house? If you had no way of protecting yourself from being jumped because some law took away your concealed carry. I think America is one of the most free and respected countries, but at the same time it’s just a big joke. We are known for school shootings and being overweight. This is America. We can change what we are known for, we just need to figure out how.

Harris Burdick Piece

As soon as the pentagram was filled with their blood they all started to vanish one by one. 

One week ago, a nun who has no name so we will call her, unnamed went around her church looking for other nuns to participate in a ‘game’. She had gathered many, and with those many, a majority of them decided they didn’t want to play. Her final count was her, and four others. She took them to a hidden passage under the church into this abandoned part which was under construction until the workers started disappearing. Unnamed was unaware of what this ‘game’ consisted of but had heard it led to magical things. She had also left out the details of how to construct the game and what they need to do. She started to list out their objectives and what they need to get. First thing is to find chairs for all of them, and coincidentally there are 5 chairs just laying in the corner. The next thing is to carve a pentagram into the ground with a stick. Arrange your chairs so that they are at the tip of each point of the star. After that, pour lighter fluid around the pentagram and light it on fire. The last thing is to cut yourself on your arm, and while sitting in the chair reach your arm over the pentagram and let it get filled up. As soon  as the pentagram was filled with their blood they all started to vanish one by one. Everyone had disappeared until it was just unnamed left. Then, she vanished. Floating around in this meaningless void, for almost 7 days. Until she saw this light in the middle of the void. It was pulling her towards it. She finally made it and when she slipped through. She was in some large building somewhere she doesn’t know. She was also floating 15 feet high but that’s not really that odd when on drugs. None of her friends were real, none of this really happened. The past ‘week’ was really just a big trip she had that lasted about 2 hours.

Food Narative

My life is all about pizza. I’ve grown up making pizza, eating it, and loving it. I have worked at 2 pizza places, spending 10-15 hours a week making pizzas. When I was little, my dad would come home on some nights and bring some ingredients. Dough, pizza sauce, pepperoni, and provolone cheese. 

We would start by rolling out the dough and preparing it for the sauce. Then we got the sauce out of the can, pouring it onto the dough whilst spreading it. Once we get an even layer we started to put on the provolone cheese (pre shredded). After that we got the pepperoni and put a lot of that on. Then we put it in the oven. We take it out and let it cool for a while. We take our first bite into the crunchy pepperoni pizza. 

I now work at larosas making pizzas so my childhood dream night of making a pizza with my dad turned into my work life. Sometimes I hate it, sometimes it’s nice, but I’m making money so it doesn’t really matter to me.

Final Portfolio Reflection

If I were to describe myself as a writer I’d say that the things I have written are down to Earth and truthful. Everything I write about is from personal experience or something that happened to someone I know unless the given prompt is about something unrealistic. The most honest thing I would say about my writing is that it is probably sub-par compared to what other students write about. I say this because I have never been a good writer or good at explaining my emotions and this affects my writing very harshly. I’d say I achieved my goals of writing because I actually do my work now and write and put in effort considering I’m writing this at 1:30 in the morning. The growth I’ve seen in myself is obviously being able to write and type essays easier than I could before. I have actually been working on finding my own voice for quite some times and I have been working on expressing my feelings, learning how to keep a casual conversation going in person, and standing up for myself more often. I’ve learned that if I put in a good amount of effort I can actually make my writings pretty good. I’m going full force into college and not looking back, I am holding nothing back and am gonna do anything and everything I want to do.

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